• Life on Favor Tree Farms

    2024 Small Farm Conference

    Welcome Back! It has been a while; it seems this year is whizzing by faster than I can keep up with. The main growing season is over and now it’s fall, and everything is changing fast.  This month my husband had the privilege and opportunity to attend the 2024 Annual Small Farm Conference in Norfolk VA. This was the kickoff to the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Certification Program. Out of seventy to eighty applicants my husband was chosen to participate in this program that will take about a year to complete. This is very exciting news for the farm. This program will allow us to develop a networking system and…

  • Gardening for Beginners,  Life on Favor Tree Farms,  Planting Tips

    7 New Lessons from My Garden

    Besides all of the physical and mental advantages to growing food, learning is also beneficial and this year I have learned quite a few things. It’s been very exciting to delve into books and videos to see how I can improve my growing skills. As a matter of fact, gardening skills teach many life skills, so it’s all a huge plus. I’m happy to share seven new things I’ve learned this gardening season. Let’s dive in! 7 New Lessons from My Garden Lesson #1: Companion planting is a game changer.  I have always heard of companion planting and I had a general idea but I never really took time to…

  • Gardening for Beginners,  Planting Tips

    Start Easy With an Herb Garden

    One of the easiest ways to get started with growing food is to start with an herb garden. It can be one herb or multiple herbs. It’s up to you. Cultivating your very own herb garden (indoors or outdoors) can be rewarding and very beneficial, especially for a beginner gardener. How to Start an Easy Herb Garden Start with herbs that are easiest to grow. As long as you’re willing to try, you can reap all sorts of yummy herbal goodies from your own hands. I always suggest starting with herbs that have been proven easiest to grow. In addition, consider starting with small plants or seedlings from a reputable…

  • Gardening for Beginners

    7 Garden Tools for Beginners

    If you’re just starting your gardening journey, here are 7 garden tools for beginners! As a novice or expert gardener, tools are a must. I’m going to share some of the tools I think are basic and easily found. Of course these are based on my opinion and experience. I can’t imagine garden life without them and anything that makes growing food easier is a win!  7 Garden Tools for Beginners Let’s get down to business of garden tools and how they are used to cultivate and maintain your garden. 1. Garden Gloves Whether you’re weeding, planting, or harvesting, gloves fit the bill. A good pair of gloves is essential…

  • Life on Favor Tree Farms,  Planting Tips

    7 Amazing Reasons to Grow Food

    Growing my own food is absolutely one of the best ideas I’ve incorporated into our family’s life. If only I had started this earlier, but as the saying goes: “better late then never.” Growing food is as natural as it comes. After all, grocery stores have not been around forever. Who knows if they will always be around.  Seven Amazing Reasons to Grow Food There are many reasons to grow your own food but I’ll just list the seven amazing reasons that come to my mind.  1. When you grow your food, you know exactly what you’re getting. You’re able to source good seeds, especially non-GMO. You know the source…

  • Planting Tips

    It’s “THYME” to GROW Outside

    The days are warming up and so are the nights. It’s that “thyme” of the year. Time to get outside and get those seeds or seedlings in the ground.  It’s “THYME” to GROW Outside Neighbors Reunited In my neighborhood the growing season is such a fun time. After the coldness of being inside, we all get out and reconnect. All the sounds of the growing season can be heard. Tractors are tilling. Bees are buzzing. The dogs are barking. The children are outside playing again. Laughter is in the air as we share what the other will be growing the garden. Its truly a special and exciting time of the…

  • Planting Tips

    Learn as You Grow

    I’m a city lady – born and raised in Washington, DC. I thought all foods came from the grocery store, and I never considered it to be any different, really. My mom and I went grocery shopping, brought the food home, and cooked it.  I remember… I do remember being in kindergarten and we were all given a bean and planted it inside of a small milk carton. The bean sprouted and that’s pretty much all I remember about that project. We just did it. I don’t remember there being any talking about why we did it. My Grandfather’s Apple Tree The one thing I will always remember about living…

  • Life on Favor Tree Farms

    Spring Has Sprung!

    One sure way to tell spring has sprung is when I see the budding of the fruit trees. This is my absolute favorite time of the year. Everything is budding, blossoming, and springing up! The grass is getting green again and the days are longer. All is waking up.  Spring: A Time to Plant Soon enough it will be time to plant all the seedlings that have been growing indoors. That is, after the last predicted frost of the season. This year, I have lots of seedlings going for marigolds, broccoli, okra, and cucumbers. More on that in a later post. 🙂 Spring: A Special Time Spring is a special…

  • Planting Tips

    Marigolds: The great Plant Companion

    Did you know marigolds are great as companion planters for your crops (food)? And they’re beautiful. Keep reading for top tips on how to use marigolds in crop planting this year. What are Marigolds? Marigolds are flowering plants belonging to the daisy family. They are native to North and South America but have been widely cultivated and naturalized in many parts of the world. Marigolds are popular ornamental plants known for their bright and vibrant flowers, which come in shades of yellow, orange, and red. They typically have a strong, distinctive scent. Marigolds are also valued for their versatility and are commonly used in gardening for their ability to repel…

  • Life on Favor Tree Farms

    Welcome to Life on Favor Tree Farms

    Welcome to life on Favor Tree Farms where we work hard to show you just how easy growing food can be. We’re delighted you are here and we hope you have a plum-pleasing peachy-keen visit! Who is Favor Tree Farms? We are Tyrone and Verlyn and our farm is located in the beautiful state of Virginia. With combined forces of doing what we love to do (teaching, growing food, and writing), we are sharing our journey with you. Growing food is a lot easier than you may think. If you can stick your finger in the dirt and make a little hole and drop a seed in it, you can…